ReWell Industrial Group, we have bags factory, Leather factory,IPAD electron factory,
Metal &plastic mould factory, plastic bag factory.
Our bags factory is a professional bags manufacturer integrating design,development,production,
sales and branding operation into a whole body. Established in 2003, our company is specialized
in producing backpack,luggage,travel bags,cooler bags,sports bags,leather bags,
Special Focus on Cooler bag with speaker, Cooler bag with radio.
And the IPAD COVER. and so on.We are committed to designing fresh products
every season with the fashion materials and high quality at an affordable cost for worldwide customers.
Our Company, which is located in Shenzhen of GuangDong province occupies more than
3000 square meter of land and has employed over 150 well trained and skilful workers,
there are 6 production lines,10Quality controller, 5sample masters and 3 products designers.
our one stop solution is developed to simplify the business process.
from designing to material sourcing and manufacturing to transporting,
ReWell is there to handle most works for you.
a reliable, stable, and quality-assured manufacturing partner,
ReWell will be the right choice for you. our reputation is built on quality and unbeatable price
as well as our satisfactory customer-oriented service.
the customer is our reason for being here, and we understand well that customer
satisfaction equals success. our very simple faith is that customers are really everything-care.
Warmly welcome both domestic and foreign customers to visit our company.
Hope we will have a future negotiation about the cooperation!
Our Faith: New opportunities, New challenges and New market;
Let us make things better.